Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stay on Track.

Matthew 6:30
30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

As humans, we're complex individuals. It is quite difficult to take Jesus' simplicity and bring it down to our level. However, the way around this is to rely on God's spirit and to obey the truth that he conveys to us through Jesus. This will make life much simpler.

In context with the verse above, every time we fall short of the track with God, it's probably because we thought we could live without Christ. We say something like, "Oh, I can make my decisions today without him." That is ALWAYS an unsuccessful method. We have to remember that our heavenly father is number one. If you are loyal and obedient in your relationship with God and are open to his spirit within you, then God will take care of you.

God plants us on a certain path. If we're not experiencing what God has promised, then it's probably because we're disobedient to God and not focused on his plan for us. Focus on the direction that God is leading you toward.

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