Thursday, July 1, 2010

He is Lord.

John 20:28
28 Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"

The dog days of summer are here. In Florida, just about everyday from May through October the daytime temperatures hover around 90. You add the humidity to that and it's blistering. There's no doubt that when it's that hot we all need plenty to drink. What quenches your thirst the best? Water? Gatorade? Probably not soda though.

I bet you don't think of Jesus as quenching your thirst. We can't always go to him and expect to be completely satisfied though. It's okay to be satisfied by his grace and I've mentioned it to you before and in many ways he will fulfill satisfaction to the highest degree that you'll ever. However, the most important part of our relationship with God is to spend our time loyally serving him. We have to possess a limitless devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ himself.

At the same time, don't get wrapped up in the idea that we NEED to do something for God. Don't just serve him, pour your life out for him. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Jesus Christ has to be at the top of the hierarchy with things like service and worship underneath that. It's like keeping Christ in Christmas. Just remember who you're doing the work for.

So I ask you again what quenches your thirst? Strictly service or Godly service?

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