Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Isaiah 40:26
26 Lift your eyes and look to the heavens:
Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one,
and calls them each by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength,
not one of them is missing.

Have you ever been blinded by the sun and really wish you had your sunglasses? I know that always happens to me. I never feel like wearing them anywhere, but then when the sun is blazing, I always could use them.

Much as sunglasses block the sun from our eyes, people during the time of Isaiah blocked out their vision that was focused on God by looking to idols. As the verse suggests, Isaiah said, "lift your eyes and look to the heavens." He clearly wanted them to see God as number one.

Look at the nature that surrounds us. It's honestly pretty difficult to ignore God's work. You can see God's beauty when the sun reveals magnificent colors at the beginning and end of the day, with every tree that sprouts, and every breeze that blows. It would be so much easier to appreciate this if we just replaced our blindness with an abundance of vision.

What's your range of vision focused toward? Is it on yourself? Is it on your favorite celebrity? If your answer to either of these questions was yes, then you're short-sighting God. Turning to God, doesn't mean returning to your past. It means looking to God and the heavens. Go out of the You-box, as I have decided to call it, and direct your attention to the Lord of Lords as Isaiah commanded. For he is who you need.

The best way to approach this matter is to take some time to visualize the power of God. The things that God reveals to you through prayer and listening can be planted in the lives of others just by our day to day relationships with others.

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