Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Showing Ignorance Toward the Spirit.

Acts 26:15
15 "Then I asked, 'Who are you, Lord?'

You know when you're getting ready to walk out the door and someone says something? Sometimes it's so easy to just keep going because we're in a rush, for example. Other times, we think we hear it, but we really didn't have time to let it pass through our mind. By the time we realize the latter, it's too late. When the Lord communicates, there shouldn't be any leaving. God can make us understand him through his Holy Spirit.

I went to a Bible study Monday night called Dojo. The purpose of it is to understand how God talks to us. The lesson/discussion is for the first half and I learned that God speaks to us in various ways that suit us, including other people, our circumstances, pictures, and words. The application part of Dojo occurs during the second half. At this time, we pray for an individual and ask God to give them peace and comfort. A song plays in the background and literally for 5-10 minutes we sit in silence listening to the voice of God and hearing what he has to convey to us. By listening to God, we can provide words or images of comfort (I'll talk more about this tomorrow).

Have you ever experienced the voice of God first hand by sensing the Holy Spirit? So many times we become so ignorant as to feel confident in our decisions without God and the Spirit. (Don't worry God won't hesitate to let you know of this ignorance!) Even beyond our mental decisions, our physical decisions can hurt our relationship with God too.

Don't just serve God in your own way. Be wise by turning to the Lord and listening to what he has to say. That means, don't just pray, but listen. You should PRAY, LISTEN, LISTEN, PRAY, PRAY, LISTEN, LISTEN. Therefore, get in the habit of listening a little more than you're used to doing.

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