Friday, January 8, 2010

Taking People for Granted.

Isaiah 2:22
22 Stop trusting in man,
who has but a breath in his nostrils.
Of what account is he?

You've heard me say before that we take so many things for granted. It's certainly true. We have a roof over our heads and food on the table, for example. However, how often do you think about taking people for granted?

Our family and friends do a lot for us. They seem to always be there to talk to when it is necessary. They're the people who we seek when we're faced with difficult times. However, one day may come around and this plan may not work out. Then, we tend to play the "if only" card. "If only my friend still lived near me." What we don't realize is that people will fail us at one time or another. It may not be on purpose, but the fact is, it still happens to people everyday. We have to be prepared for that and we can't use people all the time or take them for granted.

We all are subject to error and making bad choices, thus usually the source of our disappointment or maybe other people's doom. Although God wants and expects us to be a part of the lives of other people, it is essential to keep close terms with God and know that God will never fail us. Remember, he will never go too far away from you!

Ask God for forgiveness today for putting all of our pressures on others and then becoming disappointed. Finally, remember that God is the ultimate source of hope for all...forever and always!

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