Friday, January 15, 2010

Praising God in a Difficult Time.

Joshua 1:9
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

This is what the people all over Haiti need to hear today along with the families who are waiting for answers from their loved ones! I know it's near the end, if not the end, for the critical search for anyone still caught in the rubble. Time is running short.

However, the people of Haiti need to understand that God has not left them. As President Obama said "Haiti, you are not being forsaken." The Lord is all around the island nation, so be strong and courageous - don't be discouraged.

For all of us, sometimes worshiping God is easy especially when things are going smoothly in life. (Whether we actually worship during the easy times is somewhat variable. I know some come to God just when they're in trouble. That's a bit of a different point though). Anyways, difficulties make it hard for us to truly stand up to God and praise his name without thinking about our circumstances.

Back to Haiti, in contrast, I know I was impressed at how spiritual the people were when I visited in the summer. They were so patient too. They waited eight hours for us just to come see them. If that isn't surprising enough, they didn't have any food or water during that time and were praising God the entire duration. Now, the Haitians once again show their true spirit. 48 hours after the earthquake there were still people waiting for water because there is no fresh water in the country yet. This is also a critical time period as people certainly need water by after two or three days. What have the people been doing? Praising God in the streets and it was all caught on tape by CNN - secular news coverage - that I saw earlier. Unfortunately, I can't find any videos of it online or else I would show you just take my word for it. Keep praying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.