Monday, January 25, 2010

Receiving God's Gifts.

Ephesians 2:8
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—

Do you ever find it difficult to be the center of attention? I know I do. When I have a birthday party, sure it can be great to be with everyone, but it is somewhat uncomfortable to receive a handful of gifts from people. It can be intimidating. It's almost like I feel undeserving and unworthy of such kindness.

Sometimes we all feel this way when it comes to God. We sin and then it's hard to fathom how God can possibly forgive us and love us and be so generous to us. The thing that's priceless is the fact that we get God's righteousness through Jesus Christ. God loves you and me that much!

Not only that, but it's sometimes difficult to receive God's gifts as well. Don't view how worthy you are to receive God's grace based on what others or even the world has to say. The bottom is line is that God says and does what he means. Even though we can't do anything to truly deserve the grace of God, he knows that, but he wants us to have access to it because we are welcome. Our greatest gift that everyone should be willing to accept is how we're totally accepted by God through Christ.

Therefore, I leave you today by asking you not to list all the reasons why you don't deserve God's gifts, but rather show gratitude for his gifts and live in his name. This will definitely made God content.

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