Friday, January 29, 2010

Are You on the Fence?

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

Do you ever get involved in an activity that's so much a part of your routine that certain days go by and you don't even remember doing it? You wonder how you've even made it this far throughout the day when you're not even aware of what's happening. It's the most bizarre thing. Meanwhile, do you set time limits for yourself? If you have a routine, you probably complete the task at roughly the same time each day and it most likely takes about the same length of time too.

Just like in your daily routine, you don't want to spend too long on any one thing. God gives us boundaries in life. They are not meant to be just more rules and regulations to keep in mind. This, contrasts what some people think about Christianity. Anyways, the boundaries help keep you safe and secure in a world that is all too faulty and downright evil nowadays.

We need to have checkpoints throughout the day to make sure we're living according to God's word, even if it seems unnecessary. Sometimes we're on the fence when it comes to our obedience, so we must be cautious. Staying involved in the Bible and understanding God's Word are ways that can help you stay within the confines of God's boundaries.

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