Thursday, February 11, 2010

Needs from God.

Psalm 40:17
17 Yet I am poor and needy;
may the Lord think of me.
You are my help and my deliverer;
O my God, do not delay.

What do you need (from God)? You know, the way in which you answer says everything about you. Be careful how often you "need".

The real problem is that we look at God in the wrong way sometimes. He's not just there for our safety - when we absolutely need his security such as when we're in big trouble. He's there all the time, whether you need him or not.

David composed music and poetry. He was a powerful king of the holy land of Israel. He viewed God a little differently.

David said, "I am poor and needy." The thing is that he didn't go to God just because he was in trouble. He wanted to let God know that he trusted God and that God was his only hope. He knew that his life depended on God and he told God that.

How much do you need from God? Everything...all the time? Do you occasionally need him when you're in a rut?

As strange as this may sound, ask God to have you become more needy of him in the sense that you depend on him 100 percent of the time.

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