Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Myth: God Can't Be Trusted.

Genesis 3:4-5
4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

The serpent becomes almost more daring as he has brought Eve into a conversation about God's commands. He questions the validity of God's words. After God said to Adam, "You will die," the serpent said, "You won't die." While that seems more hopeful, you can't buy into those words because they didn't come from God.

When we give into sin it often makes us question God's behavior and identity. Does he really love me? Can he be wrong, even if it's just this once? Is this "Almighty God" stuff just hype? If you've gone as far as being tempted by Satan, then it's not very hard to disobey God.

Doubt was rooted in the mind of Eve thanks to the serpent. He questioned God's actions saying that God knows what he can do to you to make you think he has power. In a nutshell, the serpent was saying that God is selfish and he doesn't care and love you. Man, is that a lie!!!

Has sin ever been okay for you by doubting God's power and love? Has something bad ever happened to you that caused you to take it out on him and disobey him?

Lord, let us be convinced of the truth. We know you let your unending power, love, and mercy flow through us all the time.

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