Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Not About Good Works but Faith.

Galatians 3:3
3 Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?

Do you remember where you were when you first became a Christian? Maybe you're at the level of understanding now that I'm about to describe. You're full of joy when you find out that you can have a personal relationship unlike any kind with God. While the idea of God loving you forever feels good, it may be slightly unbelievable to you. I've said it recently: don't feel like you have to earn or work for this love because you can't. If you do, you're going to build yourself up and then get burnt out. Whatever you do, don't lose your passion for Christ. The bottom line is that grace isn't received from doing good works.

I believe that many times throughout your Christian walk you have to stop and think, reevaluating many things. In this case, you have to understand if you're doing good just to try and earn grace. Each time you may be headed in the wrong direction, let this self-evaluation realign your path.

I know there's been a difference with me since I first discovered my faith. I volunteer at church, but I now do so because I love and trust God, not because I want to earn his gifts. Go about today loving God just as you are. Oh Lord, reveal the truth of your grace, love, and mercy.

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