Thursday, March 19, 2009

Don't Wait in the Shadows Any Longer.

2 Timothy 4:1-5
1 I solemnly urge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, who will someday judge the living and the dead when he appears to set up his Kingdom: 2 Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.
3 For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will reject the truth and chase after myths.
5 But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.

Up north, unlike Florida, there are true seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. There's a good variety of weather...all types in fact that will suit just about anyone's needs at some point. In Florida about all we have are wet and dry seasons. Temperature-wise, I say it's just hot and hotter all year.

In contrast, when it comes to being in a relationship with God there is no "season" whatsoever. It's an all-around, everyday event (it should be anyway). When you feel that God is telling you to talk about your faith and your beliefs, do it as soon as you can. You should almost stop what you're doing and go for it. Okay, maybe not. Just don't wait long! Remember to always approach God's callings on his time, not yours. If you go by your time, the deed may remain unwritten.

God has given you everything you can work possibly work with, including the Bible and of course people. Now you just have to run with it, and as a Christian, bring your fellow friends with on your journey with Christ. Why else would you be taking part? Don't be afraid. Only be afraid that you'll run out of time!

Have a blessed day :)

"Someone asked Will the heathen who have never heard the Gospel be saved? It is more a question with me whether we -- who have the Gospel and fail to give it to those who have not -- can be saved." ~Charles Spurgeon

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