Monday, August 16, 2010


Galatians 2:20
20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

To become one with Christ you have to not only try and refrain from doing sinful things, but change the way in which you look at everything as well. When you are trying to learn a new concept in math or science you have to drop everything else from your mind in order to fully comprehend it, that is unless multitasking is a natural talent. The same is true when we're trying to learn how to be more like God.

God wants us to give him not just goodness, but our sins. That's all he can take from us. The good news is that God easily transforms our sin into fairness. However, we must eliminate the idea that we are everything because God is everything!

When that happens, the Holy Spirit will let us know what needs to be done next. Each step of the way we have to give up all of our insincerity. Realize that our identity is not in us, but in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

It's certainly not easy to surrender. Pain is going to accompany these efforts. Once people realize how they appear in the mirror to Jesus, people are in most denial - they usually notice that they disobey Christ many times. Now they're frightened and ashamed.

As you prepare to surrender, give everything that you have and everything that you are to God. You will then notice that he will do the rest, my friend!

"All to Jesus I Surrender" by Vineyard:

P.S. If you have trouble with the video stopping and starting, keep the video paused, and let it "buffer" (load) as it's called for a while. You will see the red bar along the bottom advance (speed depends on your Internet connection). Wait until that bar gets pretty far along (I'd say more than halfway) before you play the video and it shouldn't pause. P.S. If you have trouble with the video stopping and starting, keep the video paused, and let it "buffer" (load) as it's called for a while. You will see the red bar along the bottom advance (speed depends on your Internet connection). Wait until that bar gets pretty far along (I'd say more than halfway) before you play the video and it shouldn't pause.

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