Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Setting the Example.

2 Timothy 4:2
2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.

As children of God, we are meant to set an example of his teachings. It is absolutely essential that his teachings are embedded into our DNA. Everything we do, must be a holy representation of God's message. It's okay if you're condemned and broken by sin now, you have Christ who can give you a new life at any time. Then, you must submit to God's purpose to start leading the way as an example of God's message and love.

God carries us beyond our call of duty in his kingdom in order to mold us and let us grow according to his will just as he did for his disciples. It is our job to use the energy that God gave us to share with others the truth of God. As witnesses of God, we should ultimately be a reflection of God's image in human flesh.

May God influence your life in multiple ways: when you speak and when you act. But the truth has to be genuinely taught and established in you first. Use your resources wisely, and fire away so that you are ready to preach the Word of God at any time; you never know who's going to head your way and what burdens they're going to carry on their shoulders.

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