Friday, May 28, 2010

Sin is Here.

Romans 6:11-12
11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.

Sin surrounds us like the plague. It's so hard to get rid of and ignore; it's something that will always be there. It can be such a nuisance toward our spirituality in simplest terms.

...And when you sin, you sin. Isn't that the truth? Some days are just really bad and you may even be afraid that the sin police will come after you because of your behavior. Obviously, if this happens, then rain is dampening your spiritual intimacy with God.

The good news is that God provides us with his gift of grace. I think we owe him a lot. If we can be cleansed and purified by the Holy Spirit, then I believe the least that we can do is live for God as Christ.

How can we live for God? Limit any temptations of sin. Sure, nobody is going to be perfect, but you must try with all your heart to avoid sin. Realize that during this time the Holy Spirit's job is to give us the ability to live in such a way that no one's offer could even come close.

Make yourself aware that your sinful past is dead. God forgives! Your objective today is to match the holy awesomeness and righteousness of God. May each and every one of you conform to the grace of God.

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