Monday, May 10, 2010

Joyce Meyer.

Romans 12:21
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

This week I'm going to do something a little different and discuss Christians in the spotlight (they may be an author, celebrity, athlete, or an artist - 3 females and 3 males). Too often Christians criticize Hollywood celebrities and those who are always in the limelight as being a horrible role model. It's somewhat reasonable, yet there are some individuals who have a compassionate heart and good morals. In that case, I wish everyone could be influenced by these people. As for the Bible verses this week, I will choose one each day that describes one's ministry or to represent one of their favorite verses. While we shouldn't envy anyone or have any idols, I believe that some deserve more credit than we give.

Today I'm featuring Joyce Meyer. She is a Christian author and speaker who lives in the middle of the Bible Belt - Missouri. Joyce Meyer has a powerful evangelical ministry. She provides answers to everyday questions, encouragement in life's most difficult times, and overall an endless spread of the gospel to people.

The overall idea that I gain from Joyce Meyer is that she has understood the power of love in the Bible which extends from God ever since she was young. She clearly believes that love is the highest level of spiritual warfare that we can commit to. This is so true because loving others is God's number one commandment. Meyer believes that one person who is totally passionate and committed to their faith can make the whole earth tremble. Imagine the work that more than one of these people can do!

Joyce Meyer doesn't shout at the demons all day. Instead, she goes to the Word. After all, in order for Jesus to preach, Jesus didn't have to clean out the demons. Therefore, Joyce Meyer is a positive influence and wants everyone to participate in a love revolution.

Meanwhile, remember that "How He Loves" song by David Crowder Band that I shared with you last week? Well, here's a different version of it that I want to share with you today which I'm sure you'll find to be a blessing.

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