Monday, May 25, 2009

Remember...It's Memorial Day.

Romans 8:2
2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.

It's Monday, but it's not so much an ordinary one. Most of us are off because it is a federal holiday. Have you put much thought into its origin though? Try telling the Veterans' families that it's the perfect day for a picnic or a dive in the swimming pool...completely ignoring the reason for the holiday (not smart).

Today we should sacrifice at least a few minutes of our time and remember the Veterans as many sacrificed their own lives to give us freedom. Unfortunately, lots of times we take this freedom for granted.

I was born into this guaranteed freedom, yet I still don't appreciate it as much as I should. Similarly, in order to have eternal freedom, we must incorporate the blood of Jesus Christ into our lives and set ourselves free from sin and death.

"For love of country they accepted death..." ~James A. Garfield

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! Take a look at this Memorial Day tribute from last year.

P.S. If you have trouble with the video stopping and starting, keep the video paused, and let it "buffer" (load) as it's called for a while. You will see the red bar along the bottom advance (speed depends on your Internet connection). Wait until that bar gets pretty far along (I'd say more than halfway) before you play the video and it shouldn't pause.

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