Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Love You, BUT...

John 14:15
15 If you love me, you will obey what I command.

So I was taking a mega intense chemistry IB exam Monday and Tuesday. I studied a lot over the weekend so I had no time to blog. Now things are back to normal. I hope everyone is doing well, by the way!

I was reading the verse above and something funny came to mind, yet so true. So we say, I love those shoes. I love those clothes. I love you, BUT can you do me a favor?

The problem is we just throw love in a sentence anywhere, when we don't always mean it, and it lightens up the meaning of love; it takes away from the meaning of love. We almost take advantage of the word.

Jesus told his disciples that his definition of love was to obey what is asked. That's hard. So we can't just emotionally say we love Jesus, we have to have that emotion and combine it with obedience. Living with love is much harder than saying love.

Now I ask you, do you agree with the idea that love = obedience? Work on loving in such a way that you are obedient too. Also, look around and see how the world defines love in different ways. (You're probably go crazy from hearing that word so much!)

"Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love." ~Aristotle

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