Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Evidence of Miracles.

John 14:11
11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.

We've been talking about fears the last few days, but now I'm going to switch gears and talk about how God works.

What are ways that supports the idea that Jesus was the Son of God?
1. He acted like God
2. He was filled with the words of God.
3. He had God's strong sense of power within him.

Imagine what it'd be like seeing these things in Jesus before your very eyes just like the disciples did. It must have been astonishing to see Jesus feed thousands, to see him heal a leper, and to see him walk on water.

If I saw these things I don't think I'd be able to question whether or not God is in Jesus. HE IS GOD IN FLESH!

Would there be a spike in your faith and spiritual life if you were an eyewitness to the miraculous events that Christ performed? If it helps, imagine yourself in their shoes. I don't think we should expect any miracles from God to understand that Jesus is God, however. We just need to appreciate him for displaying his strong power here on Earth.

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