Friday, May 29, 2009

Patience is a Virtue.

Psalm 69:3
3 I am worn out calling for help;
my throat is parched.
My eyes fail,
looking for my God.

I know we have times when we're anxious. There are times when it's an edge-of-the-seat type deal. It's a very difficult fact of life.

I have a good friend named Rachel who is going to graduate from high school next week. It's one of the most important times in her life. Decisions are being made left and right during the senior year, like "Should I go to this college?" "Is this really what I want to study?" All the while, they have to spend time with their family, friends, and take care of other things in life. She has the college situation settled, however other opportunities have come up, for example the eligibility for her to take part in a lead role in a church retreat.

She has been waiting for an answer for weeks. She's been praying lots and waiting as patiently as she can. I know that she knows that whatever God decides is key to her future. She did get the role. Congratulations Rachel!

While she was waiting for her answer, she said this, "Whoever said patience was a virtue obviously had nothing good to wait for." That's a good way to add humor to a situation, now isn't? Hang in there if you're having a hard time waiting...Listen for God's answer!

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