Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The World God Intended It to Be.

Genesis 2:7
7 Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.

Chapter two of Genesis is repeating the story of creation, but this time narrowing things down to human beings. We alone, of all things God created, are made in God's iamge (refer to yesterday's devotion). There is some controversy on what the "image of God" means. Does it refer to immortality? intelligence? originality? If you have trouble understanding what the "image of God" is, just think of it by using a metaphor...comparing the "image of God" to a mirror. God created human beings so that when he looks at them, he sees a feature that exists in his character.

As humans, we are very unique compared to everything else God created. We are fully functional and able to socialize and show emotions. Human life is holy. Human beings receive the breath of life from God.

"Before the earth was cursed, man was formed by glory particles and the God of glory breathed into the shape of man, made of glory particles - man then stood up in the glory, clothed in the glory and full of the glory manifesting the glory." ~Rob Rufus

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