Thursday, October 8, 2009

Love Yourself, Then Love Others.

1 John 4:11
11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

It seems like almost everything you can think of has been mentioned recently on my posts. The point about love comes up very frequently. That is because it is so important to grasp the understanding of love as a Christian and there are many different aspects to love. Knowing this very fact, keeps you in tune with the Word of God and God's love.

God loves us a great deal, and it is our responsibility to pass that on to others. There is no doubt that Jesus told us several times to love one another, other than in this verse. In fact, it's mentioned at least once in the first four books of the New Testament.

God loves us, and that makes it so much easier to love others. It's never easy to give away something that doesn't exist. Therefore, if you personally don't openly receive God's love, then what is there to give to others? Keep in mind that God is our model and shows us the 'how to' part of loving others.

Let your love overflow toward others. Make sure you fill up your heart with love today! Go forth receiving love and then in turn giving that love to those who need it.

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