Friday, October 2, 2009

Love is a Must.

1 Peter 4:8
8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

This Bible verse reminds me of the priorities that I set for myself. Some things shouldn't be a priority, but I haven't quite worked them out of my routine. It is in this case where we see love is a priority. In fact, it's probably the most important virtue there is.

Love is so important in a relationship, let alone in a Christian relationship. How can you be one of God if you don't love people? It's one of those things, that's hard sometimes. God never finds it hard to love us matter how thick our heads are. He loves us all the time!

I mentioned that God loves. He loves beyond you can even begin to imagine. It is our job to sacrifice some of our time for others to show that we care and love them just as God deeply loves us.

If you think about it, love sets everything else in place. Exhibiting loves allows you to obey and so on.

Let the good (love) outweigh the bad (sin) and make it known to the world!

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