Saturday, October 24, 2009

Focus on the One and Only God.

Jeremiah 29:13
13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

What does God want us to do? We know he wants us to love others, be obedient, and follow the other commandments. What about the not so obvious things - the subtle ones. God wants us to seek him as that's the significance of accepting God into our lives.

I don't know about you, but I can't really multitask and do each task perfectly. I do multitask to do what I have to get done, however, it's not a preferred method. How successful do you feel when you multitask?

That's the problem. We often multitask (or multithink, if you will) while we seek God. We don't give God our full, undivided attention. When something captivates our interest, we take our mind off God, if we even began to think about him in the first place (sometimes it's hard to even get started with God). This world is a demanding place, but don't let it spill into God's time. God should be and needs to be given your full attention.

Lord, let me make you my number one focus in my life. Don't let anything distract me from doing your kingdom work.

God's is more outstanding and noteworthy than anything else. Remind yourself of that today.

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