Friday, October 16, 2009

Don't Question God's Abilities.

Matthew 8:13
Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! It will be done just as you
believed it would." And his servant was healed at that very hour.

By observing other people's strengths and weaknesses, we can conclude their abilities more or less. We all have very different abilities that we should know about.

Meanwhile, a centurion wasn't just a soldier, he was a Godly individual. He understands and conveys to the reader that one should bring their issues and the evil entities of the world to God via faith. The stronger our faith is, the greater our confidence in Christ is.

The servant in this passage was healed by God mainly because of the servant's obedience. We must go about our ways following the directions that God provides in his word.

Recently, I've mentioned that God keeps his promises. He does! If you read the Bible and learn something about God, you have to trust that it is true and you absolutely have to remember that God can do anything imaginable.

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