Monday, October 19, 2009

Avoid Evil.

Proverbs 10:12
12 Hatred stirs up dissension,
but love covers over all wrongs.

We all have our human instincts that we would automatically go ahead and do if it didn't really matter and if we had no boundaries for ourselves. We want to show evil because it was given to us or hatred because someone hated us, for instance. This of course is not the right way to act. We are to be the influences of the world, and therefore avoid such behavior.

Everyone is different and special in their own way. We need to ignore what the world says is right, and quit "hating." We need to do all we can in order to make the world a better place, even if it's not an easy task.

What does it take for you to be motivated to do something? Hopefully you can make the world a better place today, even though that is so cliche sounding. Pray that the Holy Spirit can cleanse you and provide you what you need to do that.

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