Saturday, October 17, 2009

Community Fall Festival.

1 Corinthians 10:24
24 Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

Today is a pretty big day for my church and the community. It is the day of our fall festival. Every year we have this event on our property and it's a spectacular one. I think what's most appreciated by the community is the fact that the entire event is FREE, except for the pumpkins that we are selling. It is a day that is fun for the family: bounce houses, crafts, music, food, and more! That's a pretty good deal considering the current state of the economy.

The most inspiring part of this event is to see the community gathered in one place together. It is so good for the kids to get an idea or to be introduced to Jesus Christ on this day. They need it now before they grow up because soon they will lose interest. In fact, as my Pastor always says, "if by the age of 8, a child doesn't have any religious morals in them and/or know Christ, then the chance of them learning these values decreases exponentially each year.

I'm going to be dressed up as Jesus and walk around passing candy and meeting the kids at the festival. I'm praying to God that I can literally be Jesus and an influence to these kids today, even if it affects just one child!

I heard a quote this week that I'm going to remind myself of today: "Serving with the hands and feet of God will be a blessing if it comes from lips that pray."

1 comment:

Virak said...

aw man. nice. totally works. and my captcha test was even "abled" do you have pictureeesss? :]