Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Your Emotions Don't Eliminate His Love.

1 Peter 5:7
7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Happy June (even though the first day was yesterday)! I can't believe it's here. This week, I won't be the one to count on for daily devotions as I have finals, but next week things will be back to normal!

It's a pretty simple when it comes to why I chose this verse today. It's the end of the year and I'm experiencing what seems like hundreds of emotions each day. From frustration to laughter, I've had it all lately. Even though finals are over at the end of this week, I'm starting to get worried that I won't accomplish everything on my to-do list for the summer. I'd rather not share that with you at this time.

God wants us to remember that he cares for us this much ___________________________. Okay, way more!!! You get the point though. Of course it's hard when we're in the midst of frustration and anxiety. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell you though that it would be so so so so so much easier if you knew that someone is always watching out for you. That is God. He cares about you.

So it's a challenge for you, and me, to have God on our minds today. Then reflect on the difference that it made in your feelings today, from say yesterday.

God Bless!

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