Saturday, February 28, 2009


Mark 10:36-37
36 “What is your request?” he asked.
37 They replied, “When you sit on your glorious throne, we want to sit in places of honor next to you, one on your right and the other on your left.”

Whoever wrote this passage, I believe it was a couple of the disciples, believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They also believe he is the Messiah, the son of God. They come across to us in a very bizarre way. They wanted to be a part of God's kingdom and they say "we want to sit in places of honor next to you, one on your right and the other on your left." It reminds me of the "shotgun" scenario in today's society that usually us teenagers will call if we want to ride in the passenger seat of a vehicle. Then the other people have to sit in the back. Think about the other Disciples. The remaining ten of them must of have felt distant. The two in the front seat "want some authority" from God for what they've done. How often do we expect something from God because we've been obeying him for seemingly long?

Have you ever thought God owes you something because of your faithfulness to him? Follow the path of Jesus Christ even if you don't always get what you're looking for.

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