Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Real Shocker in My School Community.

I'm using the same scripture that I used on Thursday...
Psalms 147:3
3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.

What a week! It flew by quite rapidly. I must say it was a somber week at my school, however. A fellow junior classmate, who I won't name, died last weekend due to pneumonia and from what I've heard further complications triggered death...which makes sense because death due to pneumonia is not all too common. I didn't know him, but I have seen him around the school. It's beyond me how to describe the eeriness that surrounds the school knowing that we won't see him in the hallways anymore.

Some students made a large pictorial memorial for him and students could sign their name on the memorial. Some even brought in flowers to commemorate his life. He may not have been the most popular kid in the school, but I know some people who were good friends with this fellow. Obviously, he was very important to them.

I feel so bad for the parents. They must be enduring a hard time. At this point, all we can do is pray. I pray that this person died knowing Jesus and had God very close to his heart.

It happened all by chance that I talked about friendship this week...I had it planned out ahead of time. I'm reminded and I'm reminding you how important it is to have friendships that last a lifetime. Friendships that mean one can stand up for their friend if such a tragedy occurs.

God Bless!

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