Friday, February 20, 2009

No Means No, But Does Love?

Mark 10:38-39
38 But Jesus said to them, “You don’t know what you are asking! Are you able to drink from the bitter cup of suffering I am about to drink? Are you able to be baptized with the baptism of suffering I must be baptized with?”
39 “Oh yes,” they replied, “we are able!”
Then Jesus told them, “You will indeed drink from my bitter cup and be baptized with my baptism of suffering.

I don't know if you pray, but I do. Some of my "prayers" though I'm glad God said "no." At the time, I may have been caught in the moment, not realizing what I was asking of the Almighty. Something specific.

Do you ever think...what if I did this? What if this happened? What if I had the opportunity to...? I sometimes wonder what may have happened to my life if God gave me exactly what I wanted in my prayers. I guess I wouldn't be the person I am today. I think God keeps his purpose in mind while listening to our prayers. He does this because of his extravagant for you!

No matter what though, I'll always be in question on why he said "no" to some things. Maybe, some will be answered down the road. Everything happens for a reason you know...

In Matthew, it says ask and you shall receive. I will continue to ask for certain things as long as they're not wants.

Meanwhile, I'll leave with this question: What prayers has God answered "YES" too?

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