Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Focusing on God, Not Ourselves.

OOPS! When I scheduled this to post, I picked the wrong day. Sorry!

Luke 18:19
19 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked him. “Only God is truly good.

Have you ever just felt horrible...like you weren't spending enough time with God? I thought man I'm not being a very good Christian. Then I realized...wow I'm totally not focusing on the nature of Jesus. He came here because he loves and cares for us! He wanted to show us sinners the way to eternal life. He loves us the way we are.

It is important to focus on Jesus, not ourselves and our sins. Give him your burdens. You need to look at yourself as God sees you. God doesn't expect us to be perfect by any means. Pray about your sins and God will stray us from them. The bottom line is that it has everything to do with how much God loves us no matter how much we sin and we can't overcome them.

"Though our feelings come and go, God's love for us does not." ~C.S. Lewis

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