Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mockers Don't Like to be Corrected.

Proverbs 9:8
8 So don’t bother correcting mockers;
they will only hate you.
But correct the wise,
and they will love you.

Mockers are those who thrive off ridiculing basically everything and everyone in the book. They even mock God. Mockers find a delight out of making others feel stupid.

Have you fallen into this trap? You can tell if you are a mocker in the way that you handle being corrected. Mockers can not stand being corrected. This is especially true if a loved one corrects them. That can be a huge problem. They see it as someone turning their backs toward them.

Mockers also don't go to those who are wise to get advice. They're so darn stubborn! They think of themselves as the wisest one. Are they all about my way? No. Your way? No. Their way? Yes.

How do you react when someone corrects you? Do you appreciate it or do you get angry? Ask God to help you be open-minded so that you can hear advice from others and not be a mocker.

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