Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Contradiction Regarding Mocking?

Proverbs 3:34
34 The Lord mocks the mockers
but is gracious to the humble.

What?!?!?! Yes, you read that correctly, my friend. God does mock. You ask why? How is that possible since God is like so Holy. Well, the best way to answer is that we are no match to him anyways. He will always be more powerful than we are. We will never be a God!

Let's think about it, if one mocks God, this reveals one thing about them: arrogance. However, the same cannot be said about God because he is the Heavenly and Almighty Father.

On the other side of the coin, God is gracious when we are humble. If you can't fathom his vast size compared to yours, God will intervene and show you in various ways until you get it (if you keep that open heart!)

How did this idea change your perspective of mocking? Is it scary to be mocked by God, the creator of human beings and all living things? Pray that God will make you live humbly in his name.

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