Saturday, June 5, 2010

Unnecessary Blaming.

Ephesians 4:2-4
2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called—

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill that occurred more than 8 weeks ago is no doubt having a tremendous impact on many different aspects of the region. It has greatly affected the economy as many people get at least half of their income from the fishing industry as I recall from my mission trips to the Gulf Coast. The fishing industry is in utter ruins because of the spill. In addition, the animals such as the pelicans, are covered in oil because they know nothing more than to dive for food. It's sad as you watch the news.

Many are calling this "Obama's Katrina." (I'm voicing my opinion strongly today.) I do think that in many ways this will be even more far-reaching than Katrina. It's going to take longer to recover, if that's even possible, if a solution isn't found soon.

With that said, I don't think that anyone should be blamed. What bothers me are the groups that are boycotting BP oil company because it was their oil rig that exploded. These boycotts exist from the gas stations to the facebook groups; that really frustrates me.

Now is not the time to let this problem go unnoticed. For those who are boycotting BP how do you expect the situation to fix itself? It's not going to be resolved through criticism and absolute ignoracne. While there are people coming forward with their ideas and suggestions, there aren't enough. There should be more people.

Living in the United States, we should be united and we must work together or at least cooperate with the experts as they try their best to fix this issue. Most of us depend on oil so it's a necessity. Therefore, I personally believe the last we need to do is cover up the situation by boycotting the oil company. This oil slick is affecting too many areas of our life. After all, we are one nation under God: we must be humble, gentle, patient, and loving toward all during this messy situation.

What do you think of this post today? React below by checking the statement that best suits your opinion.

P.S. Readers don't expect another post again until Thursday!

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