Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Words Say So Much About Us.

James 1:26
26 If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.

The "in" thing nowadays in the teen world particularly is to use foul language. Many kids think that "my parents don't think that the words I use are bad." Thus, they feel that they have the privilege to use them. Maybe these words are not considered to be bad because the parents frequently use them around the house. Personally, these words bother me and I refuse to use them. I think that we can make a point without using nasty four-letter words. Then again, sometimes I wonder how did they develop into "bad words?" They don't look any different than any other everyday words. However, I quickly remind myself the words themselves aren't bad, it's the context in which they are used.

Society's perspective has changed over the last several years. Everywhere you go there are inappropriate words flying during a conversation no matter the age. YOU don't have to change with society though! Use your words to honor God. I know I've told you in the past when I've written a series on language, that the same mouth that blesses can also curse.

When we're wise with our lips clearly it pleases the Lord. I know that one of my friends from youth, Shane, went on a few mission trips with me and others. He would always tell many stories about his family, some clean, some not so much, with some colorful language. Eventually it got to the point where we had to say "FILTER!" In other words, "STOP...NOW IS NOT THE RIGHT TIME." He told so many stories and it soon became the inside joke.

Probably one of the most difficult times to control your mouth is when there is conflict. It's natural for the tongue to slip sometimes, but do your best to discipline yourself. Think positive when tough issues arise.

All in all, don't let the words that come from your mouth decrease the reputation of you as a Christian or other fellow Christians, for that matter. Remember, we are beautiful, beloved children of God and nothing less!

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