Saturday, June 26, 2010

Alone with God.

Mark 4:10
10 When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables.

Think about all the times you have felt alone only to experience suffering, extreme temptation, depression, or other pain. God works with us during this time. When we're in solitude or don't have the right words to say, he teaches us much as Christ did with the Twelve. The disciples were dumbfounded and perplexed. They plagued him with questions. In turn, Christ always explained things to them in parables. Little could they interpret until they were open to the Holy Spirit.

Unfortunately, from what I can tell, our troubles aren't going to let up anytime soon. God doesn't intend for us to luck out of those. Not that he wants to see us suffer, but he teaches us important life lessons. His main purpose is to purify your soul and let it be directly reflected in your mind. Just when you show your sympathies for someone else's difficulties, God is sure to show us what your own faults are.

We all have stubborn traits that we need to improve upon. How about our ignorance? Guess what, the Holy Spirit works on us to reveal those faults. Don't be afraid to be alone with God. Don't be wrapped up in your own ideologies, relationships, and personal interests. What does Jesus need from you? At least 15 minutes of quiet time, alone with him, to teach you each. Go now, it's time to quiet your mind!

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