Thursday, March 4, 2010

Praying Together.

Acts 1:14
14 They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.

When Jesus rose from the dead that changed everything! Mary and the other women who were faithful to Jesus were there from the crucifixion to the resurrection. They prayed relentlessly for the one they loved. In addition, Jesus' brothers were also there; they initially doubted his expectations and didn't want to acknowledge him as their brother. However, the men eventually prayed in expectation of their brother Jesus to rise from the dead.

You know what? Prayer works. It's certainly no different when you get a group of people and pray for a united cause or the same situation. God does absolutely incredible things when his people get together and pray with great expectations.

Sometimes you have to wait to get an answer, however you can control one thing: Start praying now! Consider meeting with a group of friends who love Jesus and have a powerful spirit. Pray with them. Have great expectations. To start with, pray for one another asking the Lord for the capability of each person to carry out his work.

At least pray alone and increase your individual prayer life if you can't work out a time to meet with others and pray.

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