Friday, March 12, 2010

Finding Some Peace and Quiet.

Matthew 14:23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,

Do you ever feel like too much is happening? I often look at people and wonder how certain people do so many activities. Between work, our social life, the media, and in general, the demanding lifestyle we live in, it all makes us extremely exhausted. Your favorite picnic spot is no longer comfortable, so to speak. Our biggest goal is to find a way out.

The next time you feel like your head is going to explode from all the chaos around you, think about all that Jesus endured. There were no lunch break and no power nap. All that Jesus could think about was helping to meet the needs of others. However, we get so worked up that we can't function anymore. Jesus knew when to step away in a sense.

There are benefits to spending a few moments alone each day, however. It allows you to secure your spot in the Kingdom of God as you get to know him better through prayer. When you go to God in prayer, push the world away. Lord, let's go to you when the world seems to be feeding off my soul. God is waiting.

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