Monday, March 8, 2010

Let the Lord Take Care of It.

Philippians 1:19
Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, 19 for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.

Imagine being in Paul's shoes. He's nearly facing death! Would you be able to act so optimistic and not let the issue affect you? Probably not. I know it would bother me. You see, Paul was so in-tune to the Lord that it didn't matter what situation he found himself in the midst of; he trusted God with everything that he had.

More importantly, Paul knows that he can still live through Christ as his future is in the hands of the Lord. Paul knows that the Holy Spirit will help guide him through his trials and tribulations. He realizes that either way the Holy Spirit will work in his favor. He may be released from prison and death allowing him to be well on his way to serving and loving the children of God or he will be in the presence of the Lord. He really can't lose. God is good! No matter what, Paul expects good things to arise and knows that he will be steered away from his pain if he trusts in the Lord.

So before you start fretting to get one more thing done today, do what you can. As I like to say, and I hear others saying, "don't sweat the small stuff." Do as much as you can in a situation and let the Lord do the rest.

Remember to keep praying. Lord deliver us out of your struggles. For those who are sick or have cancer, bless them with your healing hand. Whatever you do, promise us that your grace will either physically heal them or help to secure a future with you and your loving son Jesus Christ.

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