Thursday, December 11, 2008

God Gives to Us.

Exodus 16:4
4 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Look, I’m going to rain down food from heaven for you. Each day the people can go out and pick up as much food as they need for that day. I will test them in this to see whether or not they will follow my instructions.

Imagine being freed from captivity in Egypt. They didn't have to and they were able to leave the country. They ended up in the desert and millions were stuck there without any food or water. Many I'm sure wished to be enslaved once again...hey they weren't starving then.

However, they had no idea what God had in store for them. The freeing in the first place was a miracle and that was just the beginning. God was going to make water come out of a rock and make it rain bread from the sky. He did. And he did so day after day.

Meanwhile, God has given us food. God has given us a comfortable shelter. God has given us clothes. God has given us family and friends. God has given us life. God is everywhere...even in the barren desert...affecting everyone in positive ways.

I'm sure God has provided an abundance of things for you because our God is an awesome God!

"A heathen philosopher once asked a Christian, 'Where is God'? The Christian answered, 'Let me first ask you, Where is He not?'" ~Aaron Arrowsmith

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