Thursday, September 16, 2010

What it Takes to Surrender Part II.

1 Corinthians 2:10
10 but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

God always wants us to live a better life in his name; he wants us to live an abundant life. We may not understand how something could possibly work, but we have to trust that we will be able to see it sooner than later from the same perspective as God. Mike Guzzardo said, "From the top of the mountain, the painful experiences of our lives become glowing testimonies of God's gracious guidance."

I know several months ago there was a long period of time where I was just praying, and not listening to God. It was only a one-way relationship. He was loving me, but I wasn't doing anything in return; I was just asking for this and that in my prayers and thanking God for the occasional blessing. God had been trying to get my attention for days. Then, one day, I opened my Bible and came to the scripture that I'm providing with you today. I slept soundly that night, until I heard "Tyler!" It was clearly the middle of the night and I had been woken up with a shake. I didn't have to check to see if anyone was up in the house. I knew it was God. I couldn't sleep. He started inundating my mind with this Bible verse from 1 Corinthians. After tossing and turning, I finally surrendered to God and obeyed his calling. I prayed for a couple minutes and then just stayed still and let him fill me with his presence listening for anything else he had to tell me. All in all, I realized that I needed to listen to God more.

Everyone experiences God in different ways. The point is that you have to listen to the Holy Spirit and surrender to the Lord. He will help you in every single situation. Your neighbor isn't going to hear the same thing from God that you did because we all need to be strengthened in specific aspects of our own life.

Realize that every time God speaks to you, it's a fork in the road. It's only when you surrender to God that you will clearly experience him in a fresh manner. It's time to follow God up the mountain. It's not always going to seem necessary. It's not always going to seem comfortable. However, it's the only way that you can truly experience all of God's awesome abundance!

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