Tuesday, September 14, 2010

God's Character Part II.

1 John 4:18
18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

It is essential that we understand that God wants what's best for us. This will allow us to trust and obey him if we don't understand why. Mike Guzzardo provides a wonderful example in his book, "The Great Divide." Suppose that the president of the U.S. is eating at his favorite restaurant. The food is so good and that's the only thing that is on his mind. However, the Secret Service agents are concerned about his safety. They tell him that he has to re-locate now! What does the President have to do with his food? Forget about it and leave because he clearly trusts the intentions and orders of the Secret Service even when he has to be robbed from a perfect moment.

The only way we're ever going to continue to grow in leaps and bounds with God is if we develop a strong relationship with him that contains trust, and ultimately, surrender. When we trust, we obey; when we obey, we experience; and when we experience, we trust God. It's cycle that's continuous, but it all begins with our understanding of God's character.

Perhaps the enemy is still dwelling within you. Are you scared to obey God? Today's scripture tells us that because God's love is perfect, we don't have to fear our obedience toward God. After committed obedience, you'll be amazed because you will leave behind what you have to in order to follow the leadership of God. If you feel like God is making you do things you don't want to do, not only is Satan tricking you, but you don't know God!

As Christians, we have to make many sacrifices, but it's all worth it in the end because we can appreciate the treasure and beauty of God. This process is going to take some time. Some temptations we'll be able to dispose of quickly, while others are deeply embedded within us, so they'll take longer to filter out. You may wrestle with sin all your life, but you will see yourself change over time.

Remember, God is alive through his Word - the Bible. Read it to better understand God.

"Only when you see God as someone whose every instruction is intended to protect you will you consistently be able to walk away from temptation without question." ~Mike Guzzardo

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