Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sacrificing Earthly Treasures.

Matthew 13:45-46
45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

The New Testament is filled with parables. This is certainly one of those parables! In this case, a man sold everything to buy a valuable pearl. The man had enough knowledge to realize that the pearl is unique and will continue to increase in value as time progresses. He was not even hesitant about letting go of his present riches and treasures so that he could invest in something that would be far more beneficial later in life.

The reoccurring theme in the gospels is that the treasures of heaven will be multiplied in value compared to those of earth. Just as the man in this parable gave up something to pursue the treasures of heaven, we are expected to do that as well. The problem is that it may involve giving up some things that we enjoy everyday.

What is something that Jesus would want you to sacrifice? It doesn't have to be materialistic; it can be something as simple as a character trait, like pride. Pride tends to block our compassion: it keeps us from saying, "I'm sorry," from offering forgiveness, and going beyond ourselves to serve others. Jesus might ask us to sacrifice our time on Facebook. I know I have a horrible habit of checking it every time I go on the computer, which is frequently. Facebook time could be replaced with reading scripture. Finally, we may need to sacrifice our little knickknacks and put something aside for someone less fortunate. Try to find a personal sacrifice that you can make.

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