Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What it Takes to Surrender Part I.

Matthew 16:25
25 For whoever wants to save his life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

Decisions mean everything for us. Some may not appear to be harmful, but when we act they prove otherwise. Every step that we make, we must choose who we're going to follow: Jesus or Satan. We have to trust God and his guidance because in the end, we can fulfill his expectations and be at the receiving end of his promises. If you follow the enemy, be ready for some destruction.

We've all ignored God's orders at times. It only leads to a complete disaster. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of time to see God's work at hand, but he's always faithful and Satan is always a big liar.

We all have a thing or two that distracts us from engaging ourselves more with God and his Word. Usually, it's after we reach a new spiritual high; sometimes we almost become complacent. At first, the distractions seem minor, but the effects are magnified in our life. It may be a favorite computer game that you eventually spend several hours a day playing, and even longer on the weekend, when there seems to be more free time.

Chances are, if it gets too out of hand, God will talk to you about it. You may try to compromise with him and say you'll play this game for two hours a week, for example. However, sometimes it's necessary to remove it from our life all together. Thus, I recommend listening to him. Remember, he knows what's best for you. Once we give up on something, usually we find some other way to consume our time, unfortunately.

The best thing to do is to realize how God speaks to you about these issues and distractions. Maybe you'll notice a lack of peace in your life or a flash of your future. Either way, this will help you know when the Lord is asking something from you. Such distractions will rob you "of the better things God had in store..." as Mike Guzzardo stated. Believe me, God's plans for you are infinitely better than you or the enemy could ever dream.

Happy middle of the week and middle of the month!

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