Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mike Guzzado's Story Part II.

Romans 10:13
13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Halfway through Mike's senior year of high school, God called out to him one night. This is after he was getting high on two different drug substances and he was befriending the wrong crowd. God spoke to him and said something like, "What are you doing with your life?" One time, while he was at the movies high, he started feeling abnormal: his heart was beating irregularly, his left side was feeling numb, and his future flashed before his eyes. God said, "Mike, what will it take for you to completely surrender your life to me?" Mike was honest with God. Part of him wanted to follow God, while the other part of him didn't want to eliminate sin from his life because it was fun. He still wanted to make his own decisions. However, one day he said do what it takes God..."there are no limits."

When you surrender to God, it makes all the difference in how you experience God. No, there won't be glorious fireworks shooting up into the sky when it happens, but you will notice a remarkable change. God will take the sin that you struggle with the most and replace it with something that will bless others in the Kingdom. God will do this one sin at a time as you surrender all areas of your life to him. Sure, it's going to mean change, but doesn't any good thing come with change? You can't be more Godly without taking some of the nonsense out of your life.

Now look at Mike Guzzardo, nearly a couple decades later, he's drug free and living for the Lord; he's teaching others, particularly teenagers, the good news. While everyone's calling is different, everyone can experience a transformation in their relationship with God and their life decisions can thus be turned over to him for direction and approval.

Mike Guzzardo said, "God is a God of hope and possibility who can't wait for his children to trust in his leadership."

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