Friday, September 25, 2009

Living Out the Truth.

Matthew 10:14
14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you feel ignored? People all around you may be busy and you're left on your own do to do nothing. Or what if those people really are ignoring you and they're just pretending to be busy? It's not too far stretched of an idea.

In order to devote your time to God, you have to make a choice: a commitment. All this leads to consequences, good or bad, down the road. Do you live a lifestyle...Jesus style? If we don't accept God then chances are, we are being judgmental. There is never a time you should stop living for Jesus.

Some people are going to ignore or even reject you for even knowing God - that's judgmental. It's something that you'll just have to accept though. Just think about how many times God feels like we're rejecting him. Remember, when someone ignores you, that's just a TEMPORARY DECISION. However, if you choose to ignore God, that's an ETERNAL CONSEQUENCE

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