Saturday, November 20, 2010

Water, Water, Water.

John 4:14
14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Have you ever been so anxious to get home and drink a nice, big glass of water after working or even running errands? Sometimes, cold water just tastes so good and is extremely satisfying. Even if water isn't always your preference compared to a soda, for example, when it's the right time, water is perfect and it probably wouldn't be traded for anything!

Jesus offers another source of water. It is already purified by him. It's the water that is brought to us in part by the Holy Spirit. Just a glass of drinking water can do the trick for a few hours, but the spiritual water is what gives us eternal life now and forever.

God, remind us that Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to live in us. Sweep our stubbornness and sinful desires aside allowing the Spirit to take precedence. May our lives reflect the joy, delight, and refreshing nature that your presence and being provides.

Have a great weekend!

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