Friday, November 5, 2010

Success Through God.

Joshua 1:7
7 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.

Repeatedly, the message is to "be strong and courageous." Yesterday, it was more about accomplishing the mission that God sets on your heart: his promise. Meanwhile, today, although the request is the same, the source of definitiveness is a little different: "obey all the law...that you may be successful."

When you obey God, you are given strength, courage, and confidence because it means that you're on track with him as he calls you to be. When you douse your life with sin and rebel against God, strength and courage is eliminated because trust isn't shown toward the Lord.

Additionally, our strength and courage is limited when we disobey God because it acts as a barrier that makes us want two different things. That is, part of us wants to abide by God's will for our lives and the the other half wants to dive into the sin.

Remember, that God has promised to bless us if we obey him, even if others run away. Reach for the heavenly blessings.

What choices in your life have you noticed to bring you strength and courage? Which ones didn't? Pay attention to God's mission that's he assigning you today.

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