Thursday, November 4, 2010

Step it Up.

Joshua 1:6
6 Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.

You've probably seen the skateboarding competitions. As someone skates up the ramp, they're getting ready to pivot around and then go down (excuse my poor sports jargon) when a spectator yells "gnarly it up!" The skateboarder was to go all out. Clearly, the spectator wasn't giving advice, but was looking for mighty power.

God tells Joshua the same thing in today's scripture reading. This isn't just an informal speech. These are commands coming from the one, true God, directed toward a human being doing an extraordinary task: "be strong and courageous."

How on earth is that possible? Because we have God's incredible power that he provides. It is still our responsibility to keep the board going and to get back up every time you fall. It doesn't matter if you are the strongest person in the world, you won't be strong if you don't have God and disobey his words; you will be strong if you respect God. There is nothing you can lose here. Step it up and God will reward you!

Are you strong and courageous enough to listen to God?

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